Friday, February 19, 2010

Como Economizar Gasolina

Como Economizar Gasolina

Não há como, toda vez que enchemos o tanque do carro ou moto o bolso sempre grita, mas para quem ainda não sabe existem algumas dicas que podem ajudar para economizar no consumo da gasolina. Antes de tudo é necessário que você meça a quantidade de combustível que seu carro ou moto consome, para isso, encha o tanque e coloque o hodômetro (equipamento destinado a medir a distância percorrida) do veículo, sendo que ao encher o tanque, assim verifique a quantidade de quilômetros percorreu e faça uma operação, isto é, divida a quantidade percorrida pela quantidade de litros gasto. Tome como exemplo: 250Km e 25 litros, resultando em 10Km por litro. Sabendo o consumo de seu carro ou moto no estado em que você dirige, é de grande importância para a economia de consumo de combustível seguir as dicas logo abaixo:

-Carga desnecessária: é indicado que você elimine o peso desnecessário do veículo, pois quanto mais pesado, mas você deverá que acelerar para alcançar a velocidade desejada, por isso, se livre das malas, malas, livros, brinquedos, ferramentas e o que mais for desnecessário. Pode não ocorrer uma melhora significativa, mas ajuda na economia.
-Pneus: sempre calibre os pneus do veículo pelo menos uma vez por semana ou se preferir toda vez que encher o tanque, sendo que é preciso saber a pressão ideal e para se informar a respeito, basta ler o manual do veículo.
-Limpeza: para quem sempre tem que estar viajando e em períodos longos, mantenha limpo e encerado o carro, pois segundo estudo nestas condições o veículo possui uma economia de pelo menos 7% graças a diminuição do atrito do veículo com o ar, assim aumenta-se a aerodinâmica.
-Transito lento: em um transito congestionado é indicado desligar o motor, caso permaneça mais de cinco minutos parado, pois o motor não terá que trabalhar evidentemente diminuirá o consumo.
-Marcha lenta: é indicado que o motorista utilize sempre marcha alta, principalmente quando viajar em velocidade média e permanente. Quando o veículo inicia a se mover é necessário ter maior força do motor, assim é preciso utilizar a primeira marcha, e quando o mesmo alcança uma determinada velocidade é indicado trocar de marchas até a maior sem que haja vibrações ou força desnecessária do motor. Assim, você necessitará apenas pressionar suavemente o acelerador fazendo com que o carro consuma menos gasolina.
-Ar condicionado: Em determinados trechos curtas de sua cidade ou relativamente com abaixa velocidade evite utilizar o ar condicionado, pois o uso deste aumenta cerca de 10% o consumo de combustível. Já em viagens longas e de estrada, é indicado que você não mantenha as janelas abertas para evitar a criação de uma resistência aerodinâmica e até mesmo uma turbulência no interior do automóvel que resultará no maior consumo de gasolina.
-Estilo de direção: é sempre recomendado dirigir com calma, principalmente se você estiver no transito lento ou na cidade, pois de nada irá adiantar dirigir velozmente, forçando o motor e consequentemente aumentando o consumo de gasolina, pois não adianta de nada acelerar e para na próxima esquina. As aceleradas violentas aumentam de forma exagerada o consumo de combustível do veículo e em curtas distâncias não haverá economia.

Dicas para dirigir moto no frio

Dicas para dirigir moto no frio

Com o inverno os motociclistas são os que mais sofrem com as baixas temperaturas, entretanto, há os motociclistas que deixam a moto de lado e utilizam apenas o carro. Mas para aqueles que não contam com um segundo meio de transporte, é necessário ignorar o clima e continuar sem problemas a pilotar sua moto, driblando o frio sentindo-se confortável e seguro simultaneamente, com? Veja nossas dicas relacionadas a este tema.

Podendo ocasionar em uma série de problemas ao organismo quando em contato em tempos longos, o ar gelado, como lentidão de nas respostas do corpo tanto nas mãos quanto nos pés, prejudicando desta forma a pilotagem. Isso se deve a ausência de calor que faz naturalmente mantém os membros do organismo na temperatura estável. Além disso, o ar gelado pode trazer outras complicações como rinite e sinusite, e juntamente com a poluição em longo prazo problemas no quadro respiratório ocasionando em bronquite.

Quando resfriado o motociclista respirará apenas pela boca graças ao nariz entupido, e com isso, o ar gelado entra nos pulmões em baixa temperatura podendo ocasionar problemas sérios. Além disso, por causa do resfriado o motociclista embaçará a viseira graças a respiração pela boca, prejudicando assim a visibilidade. A dica é que você utilize equipamentos como parabrisa, protetores de mão, balaclava, roupas muito mais grossas e quentes, enfim, é preciso combater o frio o máximo possível para não ficar possivelmente de cama.

Como tirar arranhões de motos

Como tirar arranhões de carros e motos

Como tirar arranhões de carros e motosQuando se compra um carro sempre ficamos atentos para que ele não risque ou tenha algum tipo de dano em sua pintura. Mas não podemos ficar de olho nele vinte e quatro horas por dia sendo assim ele terá que ficar exposto muitas vezes nas ruas e correndo assim o risco de levar um arranhão.

Um carro danificado dependendo da gravidade do risco fica muito feio e até perde seu valor comercial sendo
novo ou usado tomar cuidados seria a melhor coisas a fazer, mas se você e mesmo assim ocorreu algo do tipo, será que existe um jeito de remover o arranhão . As vezes o estrago e grande sendo assim da a impressão que não tem mais jeito.

Ou mesmo machas na lataria, ficam horríveis, o carro fica com um aspecto muito estranho. Com as manchas temos algumas técnicas para remove-las basta você espremer um pouco de limão no local da macha, esperar por alguns minutos e passar um pano úmido. Mas temos agora vários produtos para tirar manchas e pequenos riscos, basta procurar os tais removedores, mas se o risco for profundo, você precisará de uma oficina mesmo.

A pair of Adventure Sporster Conversions - Classic Motorcycles

This most about custom motorcycles is that no matter how outlandish a potential idea may be someone somewhere will probably get around to building one. I'd wager that torque is NOT a problem with either of these bikes.

Adventure Sporster Conversions - Classic Motorcycles

Adventure Sporster Conversions - Classic Motorcycles

Nice Shoot Yamaha YZF-R1 Girl Photo Model

yamaha girl photo modelYou are looking for Nice Shoot Yamaha YZF-R1 Girl Photo Model - Sexy Girl Model and The White Gallant Motorcycle Yamaha YZF-R1 are nice combinations

Yamaha YZF-R6 Supersport Racing Wallpaper

Yamaha YZF-R6 Supersport Racing WallpaperYamaha YZF-R6 Supersport
Yamaha YZF-R6 Supersport Racing WallpaperYamaha YZF-R6 Supersport (2008)

Yamaha YZF-R6 Supersport Racing WallpaperYamaha YZF-R6 Supersport (2008)

Yamaha YZF-R6 Supersport Racing WallpaperYamaha YZF-R6 Supersport (2008)

Wicked Little Customized Triumph Thruxton Cafe Racer

Very nice Triumph Cafe Racer Modified. This is Wicked Little Red Style Customized Triumph Thruxton Cafe Racer

Yamaha Cafe Racers Model Gallery

There are picture of many model of yamaha cafe racer, yamaha classic motorcycles, classic bike

Yamaha Cafe Racers ModelClassic brit bike look...pre color photography.

Yamaha Cafe Racers Model2 Yammie SRXs circa 1986

Yamaha Cafe Racers ModelNeed more tanks like that in the world.

Yamaha Cafe Racers ModelClean,

Yamaha Cafe Racers ModelNot a cafe bike, but the clip-ons and tail section and trick swingarm are worthy.

Yamaha Cafe Racers ModelI go into bouts of self flagellation when I remember selling my SRX for $1000...

Yamaha Cafe Racers ModelSRX - GB1

Yamaha Cafe Racers ModelA limey SRX?

Yamaha Cafe Racers ModelI like it...

Yamaha Cafe Racers ModelHit me again...

Yamaha Cafe Racers ModelDirty minx

Yamaha Cafe Racers ModelA Swiss SRX-6

source :

Moto Guzzi Cafe Style Motorcycles

That Moto Guzzi Cafe is very nice to look. I love this orange color motorcycle that uses something as big as tennis balls for carb plugs.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ducati Terra Mostro - The Dirt Monster Ducati

Ducati Terra Mostro - The Dirt Bike Monster Ducati
The Ducati Scrambler Of The 60's was popular in the USA, it's primary market but disappeared when the company stopped producing singles to concentrate on twins. Aside from the pantah based, Cagiva Elephant, there has not been a Ducati dirt bike since. Pierre Terblanche (yes he of 999 infamy) on his way to being shown the door designed the Ducati Scrambler 1100 that never saw the light of day. But you can buy a Ducati Monster based dirt bike, just not from the factory. It's called the Terra Mostro.

In the summer of 2006 Kent Harle and Blaine Dehmlow of Overland Motorcycles, started with a drawing on a Napkin 50/50 of a true dual-sport bike that would be purpose built for the rider that has to explore those Outlying places in order to feel at home in this world. The Napkin progressed into a full-fledged motorcycle in late 2008. Overland Motorcycles concept is pretty simple. Take a previous generation Monster 695, and add dirtbike suspension and wheels to create the

Ducati Terra Mostro
The 695 engine offers just the right amount of power and is Critically 20lbs lighter then the larger engines Desmodue although that has not stopped at least one customer creating an S2R Terra Mostro.

Ducati Terra Mostro - The Dirt Ducati
The XR650 front forks are 46mm Kayaba cartridge sourced units and just one of the Monsters disc brakes are retained. Out back a longer, extruded aluminum swingarm massively extends the wheelbase to 60.4 "(1537mm). A longer, fully adjustable Wilbers shock goes along with it and Takasago Excel alloy wheels 21 "and 18" rims complete the dirt transformation. In this form the bike has 210mm (8.3 ") wheel travel at both ends. The engine is remapped with a Power Commander to suit the Dave Miller Concepts silencer with spark arrestor.

You end up with a reportedly friendly dual sport bike on and off road and one that seemed to impress the veteran journalist Alan Cathcart bike when he tested it

2008 BMW HP2 Sport Technology

Another item on the HP2 Sport to identify its racing bias is what BMW calls the "the gearshift assistant." This bit of wordsmith trickery translates into what is a type of ignition interrupt that allows the rider keep the throttle pinned whilst snicking up through the close-ratio six-speed gear-set, as used for several years on the roadracing circuit. BMW says it enables "fast gear changes without having to ease off the gas and operate the clutch," and that "this technology is offered for the first time in a series vehicle."

2008 BMW HP2 Sport MotorcyclesHere's a peek at the "gear shift

assistant." Us old timers know this as clutch-less upshifting, and have been doing it long before "gear shift assistants" were around. Okay, maybe BMW's system is a little more advanced...

If you intend to race this bike, you'll most likely make the wise move of using a reverse shift pattern, and for just such an application BMW offers (at an additional charge of course), a "suitable replacement pressure sensor" to adapt the quick-shifter to a GP-style race pattern. The forged-aluminum footpegs are adjustable.

A quick scan of the chassis shows fully-adjustable Öhlins shocks keeping the rear Paralever and front Telelever in check. What isn't quite as obvious at first glance is just how minimal the frame is. It's really nothing more than a small collection of tubular steel to hang the engine from and to provide a place for the bodywork and fuel tank to bolt to. Lacking a traditional subframe, the Sport utilizes a self-supporting carbon rear structure as a perch for the rider’s hiney.

2008 BMW HP2 Sport Motorcycles

This hopped-up head sports larger valves than those on the R1200S, and is part of the performance package that is claimed to produce 128 hp and 84.8 ft-lbs of torque.

Braking is handled by radially mounted four-piston monoblock Brembo calipers and Magura brake levers with radial-pump master cylinders attached to the adjustable handlebars. As an option, BMW ABS can be had, the version for this bike coming with a switch to disable it for track time, or any other time for that matter.

The German bike maker claims that the instrument cluster comes "directly from MotoGP sport" offering the usual ton o' data along with a lap timer and "racing relevant data."

Finally, along with all the carbon bodywork, no subframe and a lighter generator, the HP2 Sport rolls on lightweight forged-aluminum wheels to achieve its claimed dry weight of 392 lbs, and a tank-full (90%) weight wet of 439 lbs. That’s a savings of a significant 27 pounds over the standard R1200S.

2008 BMW HP2 Sport Motorcycles The HP2 Sport not only draws its lineage from the R1200S, it also received plenty of development time from racing.

So, at this point in time that's about all we know on the latest addition to the HP2 family. Beyond the details that we're not privy to, a couple other things we don't know is if it'll be coming to U.S. shores, and when, exactly, in 2008 it will be available.

One thing we can be certain of, in typical BMW fashion, the HP2 Sport will probably be expensive! Expect a price north of 20 grand.

Honda CB 200 West Style Modification

Actually, a quick two trends are similar but not the same or similar practically. The basic difference is when the Japanese style is built with a minimalist style models like Japanese motorcycles used, Western-style tends toward chooper.

Honda CB 200 western style

Custom Honda CB 200 style
In the middle two-wheeler trend modifications that lead to the style of classic Japanese motorcycle aka Japanese Style, Indonesian Modificator seem to want to break that trend and modifying his Honda CB 200 with a flow Western Style

Honda CB 200 western style modified
Honda CB 200 western style modifications
Honda CB 200 western style modification

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Silver Saxon Turbo Kawasaki Powered Cafe

Silver Saxon Turbo! Kawasaki Powered Cafe HERE!

Silver Saxon Turbo  Kawasaki Powered Cafe

Reader Ride., Beautiful XS650 Bobber

No description of the build of this bike but the bike pretty much speaks for itself. On a side note the originals photos were huge and of outstanding quality. Beautiful build!

Reader Ride., Beautiful XS650 Bobber

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Suzuki and Cobra Engineering unveiled custom Boulevard M109R power cruise

Suzuki and Cobra Engineering
American Suzuki Motor Corporation (ASMC), in partnership with Cobra Engineering, launched a fully customizable Boulevard M109R power cruiser at the New York International Motor Show (IMS) at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center.

Suzuki Boulevard M109R ships - cruisers of the most powerful Suzuki has ever produced - has turned into a heavily modified racing style yachts, representing the company's strong racing heritage. Cobra Special Projects Division, led by renowned builder Denny Berg, utilized elements of Suzuki GSX-R champion sportbike line, including the GSX-R 20 years of blue and white paint scheme, GSX-R1000 foot pegs, and sportbike-style tail section, where sit and handlebar steps.

Custom M109R also features a more open frame, displaying 1783cc, liquid-cooled, V-twin engine with dual overhead cams, four valves per cylinder and seamless Suzuki electronic fuel injection. Shares of M109R engine has been designed to produce a large wave of torque from just idle to redline. And, comfortable chassis to handle all the power and torque of a big V-twin, and provide agile handling and a comfortable riding position.

"We are very pleased to work with the Cobra Special Projects Division is amazing custom designs," said Glenn Hansen, communications manager, ASMC. "We know that cruiser riders want 'true' high performance bikes and custom accessories fit their personal style and needs. With a series of Cobra accessories combined with the already strong M109R engine design, this customized cruiser giving at all levels."

2007 Boulevard M109R

Suzuki introduced the much-anticipated Boulevard M109R cruiser to its 2006 line-up to satisfy consumers’ needs for a more powerful cruiser. The M109R features Suzuki’s race-proven technology from the championship-winning GSX-R sportbike line, boasting awesome power with its 1783cc V-Twin powerplant and an innovative look with aggressive styling and long, sleek flowing lines that define a new generation of Suzuki cruising machines.

From the GSX-R inspired front fender to the purposeful front headlight to the long low fuel tank and stylish rear fender, the M109R drips with deep rich paint complemented by mirror-like chrome accents throughout the entire design. Other stylish features include a wide fuel tank with a generous 5.2-gallon capacity, a low comfortable seat, integrated frame side covers and a uniquely designed radiator cowl. Upfront, a streamlined headlight cover houses a unique trapezoid-shaped multi-reflector halogen headlight and a maintenance free LED taillight built into the tail section. Chrome dual slash cut mufflers complete the fashionable look of the M109R.

For 2007, Suzuki introduced the Boulevard M109R Limited Edition model. The limited edition M109R features all the benefits of the popular cruiser with a specially designed paint scheme, textured seat, clear taillight with red LEDs, clear turn signals and other design extras.

Rounding out the 2007 Boulevard cruiser line are the M50, M50 Limited Edition, S40, S50, S83, C50, C50T, C50C, C90 and C90T.

StreetFighter Motorcycle - East Coast premiere of DB6 Delirio

StreetFighter Motorcycle - East Coast premiere of DB6 Delirio
Bimota StreetFighter Motorcycle Type - East Coast premiere of DB6 Delirio

Bimota DB6R Highlights:


improved alert light
improved service light
improved Oil pressure/temperature light
Chrono with memory of 20 laps (for each lap indicated: time, max speed, max rpm)

More power and modulability for breaking and clutch operation

More thrust and control during sportive riding



ONLY 170 kg / 374.8 lbs DRY WEIGHT
7 kg / 15.5 lbs less than DB6 Delirio DB6

Price $00,000 MSRP

Engine Configuration: Twin cylinder 90°
Displacement: 1078 cc
Engine Cooling: air/oil cooling
Compression Ratio: 10±0.5:1
Valves per cylinder: 2
Bore x Stroke: 98.0 mm x 71.5 mm
Engine Redline: 8500 rpm
Valve Angle (Included): 28° Inlet / 28° Exhaust
Valvetrain Type: Desmodromic valve actuation
Intake Valve Diameter: Ø 40 mm
Exhaust Valve Diameter: Ø 35 mm
Intake Valve Timing: Open BTDC 15°; Closed ABDC 65°; Duration 260°
Exhaust Valve Timing: Open BBDC 62°; Closed ATDC 19°; Duration 261°
Fuel Pump: Bitron 3.5 bar, electronic
Throttle Body Size: 45 mm
Air Filter: Paper
Exhaust System: 2 in 1 in 2, inox
Injection: Walbro
Injectors: Magneti Marelli
Lubrication System: Wet Sump
Transmission Type: Dry clutch Multi-disc with hydraulic actuation system
Primary Drive ratio: 33/61
Final Drive ratio: 15/39
Transmission ratio: VI = 28/24; V = 24/23; IV = 22/24; III = 20/27; II = 17/30; I = 15/37


Wheelbase: 1430 mm / 56.3 in
Steering angle: 24°
Swingarm length: 515±20 mm / 20.3±0.8 in
Seat height: 820 mm / 32.2 in
Footpeg height: 385 mm / 5.2 in
Handlebar height: 1040 mm / 40.9 in
Steering stem to seat center: 708 mm / 27.9 in
Overall length: 2045 mm / 80.5 in
Overall width: 830 mm / 32.7 in
Overall height: 1110 mm / 43.7 in
Ground clearance: 175 mm / 6.9 in
Front suspension: 50 mm Marzocchi UD fork TiN fully adjustable; stroke: 120 mm
Rear suspension: Extreme Tech Monoshock fully adjustable, compression low/high speed; wheel stroke: 120 mm
Front brake: Double Ø320 mm Braking floating disc, 4-pistons,4-pads with radial Brembo callipers
Rear brake: Ø220 mm Braking disc, 2-pistons, 2-pads with Brembo calliper
Front Wheel: 3.5x17.0 Al Alloy
Rear Wheel: 5.5x17.0 Al Alloy
Front Tyre: 120/70 ZR17, Continental Sport Attack
Rear Tyre: 180/70 ZR17, Continental Sport Attack
Fuel Tank Capacity: 16 l (5 l reserve) / 4.23 gal(US) (1.32 gal (US) reserve)
Dry Weight: 170 kg / 374.8 lbs

Jet Fighter Style Motorcycle Modified and Paint

Motorcycle nuts ICON Motorsports makes an interesting observation about their Warthog bike, inspired by the USAF's A-10 ground attack fighters, who share the same nickname: "Of course the first thing that grabbed one's attention is the 800-watt MTX audio system." Well, of course, was impressive - but I think the minigun attached to the front of the 'first cycle caught my eye. That, and it's hard to miss that whole thing into nine decal'd with ammunition. But I'm sure that there was a killer audio system, too.

Jet Fighter Style Motorcycle Modified and Paint
Warthog doing everything that can be seen significant and rapid, and has some additional, crazy frills, like an 8-inch LCD screen "to see Full Metal Jacket, Iron Eagle or Top Gun and the ability to broadcast the views of victims leave back through an integrated rear view camera. "

Jet Fighter Style Motorcycle Modified and Paint
Worried you will not be able to rock like the Warthog bike? Well, a helmet that fits should give you the confidence you need. Check out the gallery below for more than Icon Warthog, and click through for video of the bike in action.

Interesting Motorcycle Paint and Modification

Interesting Motorcycle Paint and Modification

very interesting paint job......... is'n it, please give your comment?

Monday, February 8, 2010

BMW S1000RR Top Wallpapers







Sunday, February 7, 2010

Kawasaki KX 450F The Cross Motor Cycle

Kawasaki KX 450F

Kawasaki KX 450F

Kawasaki KX 450F

Kawasaki KX 450F

Kawasaki KX 450F

Kawasaki KX 450F