Thursday, December 31, 2009

2010 - Triumph Thruxton SE debuts Cafe Racer Motorcycles

2010 - Triumph Thruxton SE debuts Cafe Racer Motorcycles
Triumph Motorcycles introduces the special cafe racer edition coming Thruxton sports pioneer cycling

Triumph has launched a special edition of the racing-style café that offers Thruxton even sportier look to the classic British design.

2010 - Triumph Thruxton SE debuts Cafe Racer Motorcycles
2010 SE Thruxton amazing features powder-coated red frame and Crystal White bodywork with a red line, color-matched fly screen and the engine case collapsed. New Crystal White metallic paint containing a high content of paint that produces a luxurious, and create a striking contrast with the red frame.
The Triumph Thruxton modern design features and performance combined with a distinctive retro design. Fuel injection 865cc parallel twin is the most powerful of Triumph's "Modern Classics" range, delivering 68 horsepower at 7400 rpm and peak torque of 51 ft / lbs at 5800 rpm. Machine shares the same 360-degree firing interval as the Bonneville, but also features hot camshaft profile, compression ratio of 9.2:1 and megaphone style exhaust pipes.
Sporty, low-rise bar, 18-inch spoked wheels, megaphone-style exhaust pipe, and race-inspired lines from the tank to the tail evoke memories of the Ace Café and racing in the streets.
Thruxton SE will be available at authorized Triumph dealers across North America in the spring of 2010. Price still to be determined, but the SE model will come at a small premium over the standard Thruxton.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2007 - Bimota DB6 Delirio StreetFighter Motorcycle

2007 -  Bimota DB6 Delirio StreetFighter Motorcycle2007 - Bimota DB6 Delirio StreetFighter Motorcycle

2007 -  Bimota DB6 Delirio StreetFighter Motorcycle2007 - Bimota DB6 Delirio StreetFighter Motorcycle Wallpaper

Ducati 1198S Red Fenix Edition Wallpaper

Ducati 1198S Red Fenix Edition WallpaperDucati 1198S Red Fenix Edition Rear View Wallpaper

Ducati 1198S Red Fenix Edition WallpaperDucati 1198S Red Fenix Edition Font View Wallpaper

Monday, December 28, 2009

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Como Pilotar

Ao Leitor

Pilotar uma moto de forma segura e com a técnica correta exige sempre muita atenção a tudo o que se passa em volta, um preparo físico dentro de padrões aceitáveis e cuidado com a manutenção do veículo - pois mesmo o melhor piloto do mundo nada poderá fazer se, por exemplo, o freio apresentar problema e a moto não parar...
A experiência também conta. Pois com o passar dos anos, o motociclista vai aprendendo a "dominar" melhor seu veículo. Para encurtar esse caminho preparamos várias matérias com muitas dicas.
Alguns dos mais renomados pilotos brasileiros ensinam "o caminho das pedras" para que você aperfeiçoe sua técnica. Há também importantes dicas de exercícios de treinamento para melhorar a habilidade. Aproveite!

A importância do equipamento

Todo bom piloto sebe a importância de usar um bom equipamento de proteção e de ter o vestuário adequado ao tipo de uso e estilo da moto. Capacetes, botas, luvas, jaquetas, macacões e roupas especiais devem ser escolhidas com critério. Nem sempre o mais barato oferece a proteção mínima exigida e nem sempre o mais cara é garantia de qualidade. Evoluir em pilotagem também significa usar equipamentos adequados, confiáveis e de boa procedência. Confira abaixo três vestuários básicos para o motociclista evoluído.

Na pista e na rua

Único brasileiro a disputar o Campeonato Mundial de Motovelocidade - na principal categoria, a de 500 cc - o piloto Alexandre Barros faz um alerta par quem quer se comportar no trânsito como se estivesse numa pista. Pilotar em pistas de corrida e nas ruas, no meio do Trânsito, são duas coisas completamente diferentes", diz.
o Na visão de Alexandre, há mais segurança pilotando nas pistas, em velocidade superior a 200 km/h, do que no trânsito das grandes cidades. "Na corrida, todos são pilotos, estãosuper equipados e sabem o que fazer. Nas ruas há uma série de surpresas que podem surgir. Por isso, o bom motociclista urbano é o que está sempre muito atento, equipado e com a moto em boas condições", afirma
o Alexandre Barros aconselha que todo motociclista faça uma inspeção periódica na moto, checando freios, embreagem, folgas em manetes e pedais, sistema elétrico (farol e pisca), calibragem dos pneus e ajuste dos espelhos, retrovisores. Para ele, isto é um grande passo para que "imprevistos" não prejudiquem a pilotagem e a segurança.
o A boa postura - com coluna ereta, braços relaxados (levemente dobrados para baixo), pés paralelos ao solo e sempre próximos ao freio e pedal de câmbio - é fundamental para reações mais rápidas caso necessário, além de cansar menos o piloto, alerta Alexandre;
o Nas curvas, o principal - segundo Alexandre Barros - é entrar sempre em velocidade compatível com o tipo de mato e piso. "A mesma curva é muito diferente de ser feita com uma moto super esportiva, uma custom ou ma trail. Cada uma delas tem seu limite. Saber disso é dever do piloto", avisa.

O francês Hilaire Damiron conta que um dos segredos para melhorar a técnica de pilotagem
é saber executar o contra-esterço, manobra explicado ao lado.

No contra-esterço, o guidão é forçado levemente para o lado contrário ao da
curva, conforme na foto da moto, no gráfico acima mostra que apesar da curva ser para a direita, a movimentação do gudiãoé para esquerda

Ao fazer uma curva, em velocidade relativamente alta - numa estrada, por exemplo - você força o guidão da moto para o lado de "dentro" ou para o lado de "fora da curva"? Esse é uma pergunta que o piloto francês Hilária Damiron, atualmente radicado no Brasil, sempre fazia quando era instrutor de pilotagem avançada na escola de campeão Dominique Sarron, na França.
o Segundo Hilaire, a maioria dos alunos fica surpreso ao saber que a resposta correta é "empurrar" o guidão no sentido contrário ao da curva, ou seja para "fora". Essa manobra é chamada "contra-esterço". Ele explica que a maioria o faz inconscientemente, pois esta é uma reação natural ao efeito giroscópico das rodas.
o O efeito giroscóspico surge em velocidade superior a 35 km/h e se torna mais intenso quando maior for a velocidade. É um fenômeno físico criado pelo movimento giratório das rodas da moto. Sua tendência é mantê-la em pé e rodando em linha reta enquanto existir
movimentoe velocidade.
A curvatura externa existe nos pneus de motos, também ajuda quando o piloto realiza o "contra-esterço", eliminando a tendência de a moto se manter em linha reta, forçando-a a inclinar-se e "deitar' par o lado de "dentro" da curva.Mas isso somente funciona quando a velocidade é superior a 35 km/h, dependendo do tipo de moto e do tamanho de suas rodas, já que quando maior for esse diâmetro maior o efeito giroscópico. Em velocidade inferiores a 35 km/h a moto reagem como uma bicicleta.
o Ao forçar levemente o guidão para o lado contrário ao da curva, o piloto facilita o controle da moto, equilibrando as forças que atuam sobre ela. Parece contraditório, mas o "contra-esterço" serve para ajustar a moto à velocidade e a o raio da curva, podendo fazê-la "deitar" mais ou menos, conforme a necessidade.
o Quando mais força de contra-esterço o piloto aplicar sobre o guidão, mais a moto deitará e fechará a curva. A manobra é importantíssima para quem pilota em alta velocidade, mas também extremamente útil em situações normais.

Curva, como vence-las

O piloto Alexandre Barros faz uma tomada de curva em estilo esportivo:equilíbrio entre as forças da gravidade e centrífuga.
Não se deve frear "dentro da curva".A frenagem deve ser feita sempre antes, com a moto ainda na vertical, para então iniciar o movimento de inclinação em velocidade constante.

+ É na hora de fazer a curva que se conhece o bom piloto, já que nas retas exige-se pouca habilidade. E cada estilo e tamanho de moto apresenta um limite diferente quando o assunto é curva.

Fazer um curva também envolve física, pois duas forças básicas atuam na moto. A da gravidade (peso da moto e a do piloto) que com a moto inclinada, a comprime contra o chão. E a força centrífuga que, devida a velocidade"empurra" a moto para fora da curva. Essas duas forças agem sobre a suspensão e os pneus . É do equilíbrio entre elas e da aderências dos pneus à superfície que depende uma curva bem feita.

Quanto maior e mais pesada a moto, mais ela sofrerá com a força centrífuga. O mesmo ocorre com a velocidade: quanto mais rápido mais se sente o efeito da força centrífuga. Tem mais: quanto mais fechada a curva, maior será a ação da força centrífuga.

+ A arte de fazer a curva.

O segredo de uma curva bem feita é reduzir a velocidade antes de "entrar" - se for necessário frear, use os freios dianteiro e traseiro ao mesmo tempo, antes da curva- inclinar a moto e corpo de acordo com necessidade, manter aceleração constante e só aumentar a aceleração depois de terminada a curva.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Modifications - Extreme Heavy Motorcycles

Modifications - Extreme Heavy Motorcycles

Modifications - Extreme Heavy Style Modified Motorcycles

Modifications - Extreme Heavy MotorcyclesModifications - Extreme Heavy Style Modified Motorcycles

Sunday, December 13, 2009

StreetFighter SportBike Modification

Motorcycle modification extreme enough, big enough machine is suitable for modification in this way and make this bike look fierce and strong.
StreetFighter SportBike Modification

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Honda CB 400 Classic Modification

Honda CB 400 Classic Modification
Honda CB 400 Classic Modification specifications and design, light alloy wheels and tires large extreme

Friday, December 11, 2009

2009 - Yamaha YZF-R6S Wallpaper Gallery

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2009 - Yamaha YZF-R6S Blue Color Wallpaper2009 - Yamaha YZF-R6S Blue Color Wallpaper

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Honda CBR1000RR Wallpaper Galleries

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Honda CBR1000RR Red Color WallpaperHonda CBR1000RR Red Color Wallpaper

Honda CBR1000RR Black Color Wallpaper Honda CBR1000RR Black Color Wallpaper

Honda CBR1000RR Black - White Color WallpaperHonda CBR1000RR Black - White Color Wallpaper

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

2010 Supermoto Motorcycles - Ducati Hypermotard 1100 EVO SP

Supermoto Motorcycles - Ducati Hypermotard 1100 EVO SPSupermoto Motorcycles - Ducati Hypermotard 1100 EVO SP

Supermoto Motorcycles - Ducati Hypermotard 1100 EVO SPSupermoto Motorcycles - Ducati Hypermotard 1100 EVO SP

Supermoto Motorcycles - Ducati Hypermotard 1100 EVO SPSupermoto Motorcycles - Ducati Hypermotard 1100 EVO SP

Supermoto Motorcycles - Ducati Hypermotard 1100 EVO SPSupermoto Motorcycles - Ducati Hypermotard 1100 EVO SP

Supermoto Motorcycles - Ducati Hypermotard 1100 EVO SPSupermoto Motorcycles - Ducati Hypermotard 1100 EVO SP

2010 Ducati Hypermotard 1100 EVO SP - International Specifications MSRP: See Dealer


Tubular steel Trellis frame
1465mm (57.7in)
Front Suspension
Marzocchi 50mm fully adjustable usd forks with DLC
Front Wheel Travel
195mm (7.7in)
Front Wheel
5-spoke in forged light alloy 3.50x17
Front Tyre
120/70 ZR17
Rear Suspension
Progressive linkage with fully adjustable Öhlins monoshock. Aluminium single-sided swingarm
Rear Wheel Travel
156mm (6.1in)
Rear Wheel
5-spoke forged light alloy 5.50x17
Rear Tyre
180/55 ZR17
Front Brake
2 x 305mm semi-floating discs, radially mounted Brembo Monobloc callipers 4-piston, 2-pad
Rear Brake
245mm disc, 2-piston calliper
Fuel Tank Capacity
12.4l - 3.3gallon (US)
Dry Weight
171kg (377lb)

Digital unit with displays for: Speedometer, rev counter, lap times, time, oil temp, battery voltage, A & B trips, fuel reserve trip, scheduled maintenance. Warning lights for: Neutral, turn signals, high-beam, rev-limit, oil pressure, fuel reserve. Plus: Immobilizer system and management of DDA system

2 years unlimited mileage
Body Colour (Frame/Wheel)
Corse red (red / black) - Corse white (red / black)
Dual seat
Seat Height
875mm (34.5in)

Standard equipment

Not available on this model

Not available on this model

L-Twin cylinder, 2 valve per cylinder Desmodromic, air cooled
Bore x Stroke
Compression Ratio
95hp (69.9kW) @ 7500rpm
75.9lb-ft 10.5kgm @ 5750rpm
Fuel injection
Siemens electronic fuel injection, 45mm throttle body
Lightweight 2-1-2 system with catalytic converter with twin lambda probes

6 speed
1=37/15 2=30/17 3=27/20 4=24/22 5=23/24 6=24/28
Primary Drive
Straight cut gears, Ratio 1.84:1
Final Drive
Chain, Front sprocket 15, Rear sprocket 41
Dry multiplate with hydraulic control

Euro 3

Media Press Release


Finally unveiled, world preview of the new and eagerly anticipated Multistrada 1200.

Also new for 2010: new “Corse” livery for the 1198, two new Hypermotard 1000evo models and technical advances in the Monster family.

As is tradition prior to the opening of the EICMA show, Ducati has officially revealed the innovations of its 2010 product range.
Dream bikes, the fruit of Italian ingenuity and creativity, and destined to become new points of reference on the international market, are ready to take the spotlight at EICMA 2009, the 67th edition of the International Motorcycle Exhibition, taking place at the Fiera Internazionale di Milano in Rho, from 10 - 15 November.

Before the unveiling of the 2010 line-up, the new Ducati Corse logo was presented to the international press, an evolution of the historic brand in the form of a new graphic, following on from the launch of the new Ducati logo at last year’s EICMA show.

A press conference, eagerly anticipated and rich in content, took place immediately prior to the official opening of the trade show. Gabriele Del Torchio, President of Ducati Motor Holding, met with representatives of the international media to present the company’s recent sporting and commercial results, confirming the Italian manufacturer’s strength and performance, despite the difficulties that the sector is currently experiencing.

“In 2009 Ducati has faced a year of important challenges but also one of important opportunities,” stated Gabriele Del Torchio, President of Ducati, during the conference. “The challenges arrive from a market that has entered a significant worldwide slump and where the segment in which we operate could have dropped by 35% by the end of this year. In this scenario Ducati knew how best to react, so much so that our shares have continuously grown and in 2009 we will register a record share of 7.2% on a worldwide level. This result was achieved by sticking strictly to the objectives we had set ourselves, in relation to the company’s three fundamental pillars. Firstly, product, with the 2010 innovations the clearest demonstration of how we have followed an intelligent plan for continuous renewal. Then the distribution network, constantly renewed and reinforced to improve and expand the service. Thanks also to the recent opening of stores in Shanghai, Mexico City and in Vietnam, Ducati today distributes in 80 countries of the world. Last but not least, the brand. We continue to work on the recognition of our brand name, and above all, on the role that Ducati has as an ambassador of Italian style across the world, a factor that is of fundamental value to us.”

Claudio Domenicali, General Director of Ducati Motor Holding, then presented the many new bikes lining-up in Ducati’s 2010 Model Year.

“We are present at EICMA with a series of important innovations, in accordance with our strategic industrial plan,” declared Claudio Domenicali, Ducati’s General Director, while presenting the 2010 Model Year. “The new Multistrada 1200 provides Ducati with an important opportunity to penetrate what is, for us, a completely new market segment, with a totally innovative concept, in terms of performance, usability and technological content. Four bikes in one, with four different riding modes, traction control and electronic suspension but, most importantly, a true Ducati, in its style, design and advanced technology, derived directly from Ducati’s racing experience on tracks across the world. The Hypermotard 796 e 1100 evo, the new “Corse” liveries for the 1198 S and 1198 R, as well as countless technical and style updates, complete the 2010 line-up of which we are so proud.”

The undeniable star is the eagerly awaited Ducati Multistrada 1200, already in the running to take the prize for “best bike in show.”

Faithful to the original intuition, which combined sport bike technology with comfort and versatility, Ducati now extends the concept further with a brand new Multistrada 1200 designed to satisfy the demands of all motorcyclists. Ducati have designed a motorcycle to tackle all kinds of journey and road surface using technology derived from the Bologna made race bikes in MotoGP and World Superbike.

A bike with no limits, that can transform itself to suit the rider’s demands, from a supersport to a tourer for long journeys with a passenger and luggage, to an everyday bike which can breeze through the daily commute and also tackle off-road routes with the agility of an enduro; in other words, four bikes in one!

Ducati have once again pushed the limits of motorcycle design by adding Italian innovation to the elegance, style and technology which characterise the motorcycles that leave the Bologna factory.

All it needed was a heart, the perfect engine to fulfill the potential of this new design. The obvious starting point was the World Championship-winning engine, the Testastretta, used on the Superbike 1198. Engineers in Bologna have succeeded in harnessing the immense power of this engine, making it smooth and adaptable to any situation. The new Testastretta 11° engine is thus born, and represents a milestone in combining performance with usability.

2010 Special Editions celebrate the historic Ducati Corse logo change and two world titles in Superbike and Superstock. The 1198 S Corse Special Edition and 1198 R Corse Special Edition, both equipped with factory team-style aluminium fuel tanks, Ducati Traction Control and a special celebratory Ducati Corse livery, now complement the lightweight and agile 848 now in Dark colour scheme, the awesomely powerful 1198, and the high-spec 1198 S to complete the 2010 Superbike model line-up.

There are more exciting new products in the Ducati Hypermotard range that now becomes a fully-fledged family of bikes in 2010. No longer just one, but three versions, designed to suit different needs, but each with the same specific objective: to provide excitement and fun. So here is the new, agile Hypermotard 796, which joins the new and even more powerful Hypermotard 1100EVO as well as the extreme version, the as yet unseen Hypermotard 1100 EVO SP.

Hot on the heels of its early model year 2010 launch in October, the lightweight 796 is now joined by an evolution of the 1100 model that rolls out at an incredible 7kg (15.5lb) lighter and 5hp more powerful than the original.

And if further weight reduction and more punch wasn't already enough on a bike that was built to thrill, the Hypermotard 1100EVO SP pushes the limits even further with a model intended to perform on the track as well as the street.

The exciting introduction to the Monster family for 2010 are the ABS equipped versions of the 696 and 1100 (basic and S), the first time that Ducati has ever equipped the Monster family with a safety-enhancing anti-lock braking system.

Other 2010 introductions to the Monster family include new exhaust guards, which feature a longer shape and provide improved heat protection.

Brand new crankcases for the 696, which are an impressive 1.2kg (2.6lb) lighter and, furthermore, the user-friendliness of the controls has been improved with 4-point adjustable clutch and brake levers to suit all hand sizes.

In addition, Ducati presents many new accessories, special components and a new collection of Ducati clothing.

source :

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

2010 StreetFighter Motorcycles - Ducati Hypermotard 1100 EVO

2010 StreetFighter Motorcycles - Ducati Hypermotard 1100 EVOStreetFighter Motorcycles - Ducati Hypermotard 1100 EVO

2010 StreetFighter Motorcycles - Ducati Hypermotard 1100 EVOStreetFighter Motorcycles - Ducati Hypermotard 1100 EVO

2010 StreetFighter Motorcycles - Ducati Hypermotard 1100 EVOStreetFighter Motorcycles - Ducati Hypermotard 1100 EVO

2010 StreetFighter Motorcycles - Ducati Hypermotard 1100 EVOStreetFighter Motorcycles - Ducati Hypermotard 1100 EVO

2010 StreetFighter Motorcycles - Ducati Hypermotard 1100 EVOStreetFighter Motorcycles - Ducati Hypermotard 1100 EVO

2010 StreetFighter Motorcycles - Ducati Hypermotard 1100 EVOStreetFighter Motorcycles - Ducati Hypermotard 1100 EVO

2010 Ducati Hypermotard 1100 EVO - International Specifications
MSRP: See Dealer


Tubular steel Trellis frame
1455mm (57.3in)
Front Suspension

Marzocchi 50mm fully adjustable usd forks
Front Wheel Travel
165mm (6.5in)
Front Wheel
5-spoke in light alloy 3.50x17
Front Tyre
120/70 ZR17
Rear Suspension
Progressive linkage with fully adjustable Sachs monoshock. Aluminium single-sided swingarm
Rear Wheel Travel
141mm (5.6in)
Rear Wheel
5-spoke light alloy 5.50x17
Rear Tyre
180/55 ZR17
Front Brake
2 x 305mm semi-floating discs, radially mounted Brembo callipers 4-piston, 2-pad
Rear Brake
245mm disc, 2-piston calliper
Fuel Tank Capacity
12.4l - 3.3gallon (US)
Dry Weight
172kg (379lb)

Digital unit with displays for: Speedometer, rev counter, lap times, time, oil temp, battery voltage, A & B trips, fuel reserve trip, scheduled maintenance. Warning lights for: Neutral, turn signals, high-beam, rev-limit, oil pressure, fuel reserve. Plus: Immobilizer system

2 years unlimited mileage
Body Colour (Frame/Wheel)
Red (red / black) - Black (racing black / black)
Dual seat
Seat Height
845mm (33.3in)

DDA system-ready for Ducati Performance accessory

Not available on this model

Not available on this model

L-Twin cylinder, 2 valve per cylinder Desmodromic, air cooled
Bore x Stroke
Compression Ratio
95hp (69.9kW) @ 7500rpm
75.9lb-ft 10.5kgm @ 5750rpm
Fuel injection
Siemens electronic fuel injection, 45mm throttle body
Lightweight 2-1-2 system with catalytic converter with twin lambda probes


6 speed
1=37/15 2=30/17 3=27/20 4=24/22 5=23/24 6=24/28
Primary Drive
Straight cut gears, Ratio 1.84:1
Final Drive
Chain, Front sprocket 15, Rear sprocket 41
Dry multiplate with hydraulic control

Euro 3

source :

Monday, December 7, 2009

2010 - Buell 1125CR Sport Motorcycles Specifications

2010 - Buell 1125CR Sport Motorcycles
2010 - Buell 1125CR Sport Motorcycles
2010 - Buell 1125CR Sport Motorcycles

2010 - Buell 1125CR Sport Motorcycles

2010 Buell 1125CR

As Erik Buell's vision of a modern day cafe racer, the Buell® 1125CR blends class-leading performance with sinister styling and a wicked attitude to push the boundaries of the streetfighter category.

Buell Lightning models and the new 1125CR™ are at the core of what Buell is all about - pure performance with a broad, seamless power delivery in a stripped down, raw and aggressive package.

Each Buell model is designed utilizing the Buell Trilogy of Technology™ - chassis rigidity, centralized mass, and low unsprung weight - to produce a motorcycle which responds instantly to rider input.

Model Highlights

New Tapered aluminum streetfighter handlebar
New Polished stainless steel headers
New Master cylinder piston seals for improved brake feel
New Engine cover
sight glass for convenient oil-level checks
New Pre-wired battery tender harness
New Designer Black wheels with red pinstripe
New LED taillight
New Clear-lens rear turn signals
New Bodywork graphics and fly cut brake logos
New Arctic White/Midnight Black color combination
New Battery tender plug

• Buell® ZTL2™ four-pad, eight-piston front brake
• Two-piston rear brake caliper mounted directly to inner swingarm
• Brushed stainless steel exhaust outlets
• LED front turn signals integrated with mirrors
• Digital lap timer and gear indicator
• Minimalist flyscreen with integrated head lights
• Removable tail cowl over passenger seat
• Versatile riding position with relaxed footpegs and a short reach to the bars

Key Features

As Erik Buell’s vision of a modern day café racer, the Buell® 1125CR blends class-leading performance with sinister styling and a wicked attitude to push the boundaries of the streetfighter category.

Buell Lightning models and the new 1125CR™ are at the core of what Buell is all about – pure performance with a broad, seamless power delivery in a stripped down, raw and aggressive package.

Each Buell model is designed utilizing the Buell Trilogy of Technology™ – chassis rigidity, centralized mass, and low unsprung weight – to produce a motorcycle which responds instantly to rider input.

• Buell Helicon® 1125cc liquid-cooled fourstroke, 72-degree V-Twin engine with DDFI 3 Electronic Fuel Injection ECM
• Compact oblique stacked six-speed transmission configuration
• Ram-air pressurized air box
• Goodyear® Hibrex® final drive belt with Flexten Plus technology with a constant-tension pulley for smoother on/off throttle transitions
• Underslung muffler with Helmholtz chamber
• Twin side-mount radiators with outer covers designed to absorb impact
• HVA (Hydraulic Vacuum Assist) clutch with slipper action
• 6-spoke, cast aluminum wheels
• Pirelli Diablo Corsa III tires
• Steel braided brake lines

• Fully adjustable 47 mm Showa inverted fork
• Fully adjustable Showa rear shock absorber
• Fuel-in Frame Intuitive Response Chassis
• Rigid cast-aluminum swingarm
• Adjustable hand and foot controls

2010 Buell 1125CR - Specifications
USA MSRP: Midnight Black $11,999, Racing Red $11,999, Arctic White/Black $11,999
Canada MSRP: See Local Canadian Dealer For Pricing


Overall Length2 80.7 in. (2,050 mm)
Seat Height, Laden3 30.5 in. (775 mm)
Seat Height, Unladen 32.7 in. (831 mm)
Overall Width without mirrors4 29.3 in. (744 mm)
Ground Clearance, Unladen2 5.43 in. (138 mm)
Rake (Steering Head Angle) at Ride Height (degrees) 21
Fork Angle at Ride Height (degrees) 21
Trail at Ride Height 3.3 in. (84 mm)
Wheelbase, Unladen 54.5 in. (1,384 mm)
Fuel Capacity, Total 5.3 gal. (20.1 l)
Fuel Capacity 0.8 gal. (3 l)
Oil Capacity5 3.3 qt. (3.1 l)
Dry Weight 375 lb. (170 kg)
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating 850 lb. (386 kg)
Load Carrying Capacity 390 lb. (177 kg)


Engine Helicon, Liquid-cooled, 4-stroke, 72 V-Twin
Displacement 68.7 cu in (1,126 cc)
Bore 4.055 in. (103 mm)
Stroke 2.658 in. (67.51 mm)
Peak Torque per SAE J607, North America 82 ft-lb (111 Nm)
Peak Torque RPM per SAE J607, North America 8,000
Peak Horsepower per SAE J607, North America 146 hp (109 kW)
Peak Horsepower RPM per SAE J607, North America 9,800
Compression Ratio 12.3:1
Mileage per US EPA Urban Trace, CITY6 36 mpg (6.5 l/100 km)
Mileage per US EPA HIGHWAY Fuel Economy Test6 47 mpg (5 l/100 km)
Intake Zero-resistance airbox, Pressurized RAM air intake


Primary Drive Type Helical gear
Primary Drive Ratio 1.806:1 (65/36)
Secondary Drive Type7 Belt
Secondary Drive Member Pitch Length (# of Teeth or # of Links) 149 tooth belt, 14mm pitch
Secondary Drive Ratio 2.815:1 (76/27)
Transmission type 6-speed, straight cut gears
Transmission Ratio, 1st 2.462
Transmission Ratio, 2nd 1.75
Transmission Ratio, 3rd 1.381
Transmission Ratio, 4th 1.174
Transmission Ratio, 5th 1.042
Transmission Ratio, 6th 0.96


Front Brake ZTL-2 braking system
Front Rotor and Caliper Configuration 8-piston ZTL2 front caliper from Nissin
Front Rotor Size, OD 14.76 in. (375 mm)
Number of Front Brake Rotors 1
Rear Brake Two-piston, direct mount caliper, 240mm, stainless steel, fixed rotor
Rear Rotor and Caliper Configuration Same rotor as XB. Rear caliper is new solid mounted 2-piston design from Hayes
Rear Rotor Size, OD 9.45 in. (240 mm)
Rear Suspension Type and Configuration Fully adjustable (adjustable compression damping, rebound damping and spring preload), coil-over monoshock with attached reservoir.
Front Suspension Type and Configuration Fully adjustable (adjustable compression damping, rebound damping and spring preload) inverted forks.
Front Fork Slider Tube Diameter 1.85 in. (47 mm)
Fork Lock Availability (true or false) True
Suspension Travel, Front Wheel
, Along Fork Line 4.72 in. (120 mm)
Suspension Travel, Rear Wheel, Vertical 5 in. (127 mm)
Lean Angle at Full Suspension Compression, Soft Contact, Left (degrees)8
Lean Angle at Full Suspension Compression, Soft Contact, Right (degrees)8
Lean Angle at Full Suspension Compression, Hard Contact, Left (degrees)8
Lean Angle at Full Suspension Compression, Hard Contact, Right (degrees)8
Frame Aluminum, fuel in frame, IRC or Intuitive Response Chassis
Swingarm Description A new cast- aluminum swing arm

Wheels and Tires1

Tire Brand and Model, Front Pirelli Corsa III
Tire Brand and Model, Rear Pirelli Corsa III
Tire Size Designator, Front 120/70 ZR-17
Tire Size Designator, Rear 180/55 ZR-17
Wheel Type, Front 6-spoke, ZTL cast aluminum
Wheel Type, Rear 6-spoke, cast aluminum
Wheel Size, Front (width x dia) (in) 3.5 in x 17 in
Wheel Size, Rear (width x dia) (in) 5.5 in x 17 in


Battery Type and Specifications Sealed Lead Acid, maintenance-free, 12-volt, 12 amp-hour (per Battery Council International rating), 200 cca.
Charging System Specifications 37-amp, permanent magnet, three-phase alternator with solid-state regulator (520W peak power)
Starter System Specifications Starter motor 900W, starter drive (gears) and one way clutch.
Headlamp Type and Wattages (high, low and position lamp) Three-bulb headlamp with daylight running mode. 55 watt low beam (one (H7) 55 watt bulb), 110 watt high beam (one additional (H7) 55 watt bulb), 5 watt position lamp
Tail Light Wattages (stop and running) .55W for tail light, 5W for stop light
Turn Signal Lights Type (manual or self-canceling) and Wattage Manual cancelling, Front = non-serviceable LED's. 3W (per side), Rear = replaceable bulbs, 10W (per side).
License Plate Lamp Wattage 5W


Windscreen or Flyscreen Flyscreen
Warranty Term9

Midnight Black $11,999
Racing Red $11,999
Arctic White/Black $11,999


Body Work (molded in color) Midnight Black , Racing Red, or Arctic White/Black
Frame Phantom Metallic
Wheels Designer Black for all models

1. Specifications for non-US markets might differ. Buell reserves the right to discontinue models or change specifications at any time without incurring any obligations. Vehicle specifications may vary from country to country depending on local laws. Some models are not available in certain countries.
2. Unladen, wet configuration (no rider, all fluids).
3. Laden, wet configuration (180lb. design rider, all fluids).
4. Without mirrors.
5. Oil capacity at oil change, with filter.
6. Based on tests conducted under lab conditions per U.S. EPA test procedures. Mileage will vary depending on personal riding habits, weather conditions, trip length and vehicle condition.
7. Hibrex® and Flexten® are registered trademarks of Goodyear® Technologies, Inc.
8. Bottomed-out configuration (100% suspension compression).
9. Please refer to motorcycle owner's manual for warranty details.

2010 Buell 1125CR - Media/Press Releases
New Lightning® CityX XB12SX brings more power to the streets

EAST TROY, Wis. (July 25, 2009) – The Buell® riding experience embodies radical designs and intuitive performance that rewards uncompromising riders. From the race track to the back road, a Buell® motorcycle will take any path necessary to put its rider out front because Buell believes a deep bond between rider and machine is the essence of motorcycling.

Buell maintains its defiant stance in 2010 with a versatile line-up of motorcycles designed to inspire riders to achieve ultimate performance. For the street, the 1125CR™ café racer with new upright handlebars, and the extended XB Lightning® line-up for Europe – including the new Lightning® CityX XB12SX motorcycle – are now packing more style and power than ever. In the sportbike category, in a nod to Buell’s increasing victories and success on track, riders will see even more of Buell’s convention-breaking liquid-cooled 1125R™. For adventures that go way beyond the road, the Ulysses® XB12 range sees various upgrades make it the most exhilarating ride yet.

“The story of Buell® motorcycles shows that great things can happen with creativity, vision and hard work,” said Erik Buell, Chief Technical Officer, Buell Motorcycle Company. “A dream that started with a few of us getting our hands dirty in garages and on racetracks in the 1980s is now providing riders with quality American-built motorcycles and winning at the top levels of AMA Pro Racing.”

In 2010 Buell continues to focus on the ride with the addition of features like front brake master cylinder piston seals and rotor mountings, LED taillights and rear turn signals, oxygen sensors and tyres, as well as new graphics and bodywork. Whether it’s the 1125cc Helicon® liquid-cooled, four-stroke, fuel-injected 72-degree V-Twin engine or the 1203cc Thunderstorm™ air/oil/fan-cooled, four-stroke, fuel-injected 45-degree V-Twin engine, Buell blends original design with productive power and dynamic performance for a light and tight ride.

Always willing to challenge conventional motorcycle design with leading edge innovations like fuel in the frame, oil in the swing arm or a perimeter-mounted front brake, Buell continues to give its riders what they want in a performance sport bike. The Buell Trilogy of Technology principles of low unsprung weight, mass centralisation and chassis rigidity have long guided the Buell ruthless approach to motorcycle engineering. This approach ensures that riding a Buell motorcycle is a fully satisfying experience, whether weaving through the city streets, taking on a tight corner on the track, or tackling off road terrain.

2010 Buell Highlights
Out in the Street
For those looking for a bike with agile handling, as well as serious torque and acceleration for real urban power, MY10 sees the introduction of the new Lightning® CityX XB12SX. Receiving its debut in Europe, the XB12SX marries the sheer power of the Thunderstorm™ 1203cc V-Twin engine with Buell’s popular Lightning CityX XB9SX chassis and suspension, inspired by the needs of today’s urban rider. Delivering a whopping 104 Nm/ 77 ft lbs of torque, the bike is available in Valencia Orange Translucent & Hero Blue Translucent, both with black wheels.

Meanwhile the Lightning® CityX XB9SX, is readier than ever for a street fight, with the broad, smooth power of its Thunderstorm™ 984 V-Twin engine, wind deflectors, frame pucks, headlight grille, airbox cover X-guard and new Designer Black wheels. Features such as the upright rider position, wide Supermoto style handle bars and intuitive handling help the Lightning CityX XB9SX and XB12SX dodge through back streets and effortlessly pull away from the traffic – enabling the ultimate urban riding experience.

Buell® XB Lightning® streetfighters, powered by an air/oil/fan-cooled Thunderstorm V-Twin engine, have a ferocious look with new airbox cover graphics added to blacked-out frame, forks, engine and other components. Lightning XB models receive new oxygen sensor with updated calibration, fuel pump and sensor, front brake piston seal and LED taillight, and front and rear turn signals. The XB12Ss with supermoto-inspired long suspension has size, comfort and convenience, and the Lightning® XB12Scg road-hugging suspension for a low centre of gravity.

As a modern café racer, the Buell® 1125CR™ motorcycle is powered by a 146-hp, liquid-cooled Helicon® 1125 V-Twin engine with Buell Intuitive Response Chassis (IRC), new upright tapered aluminium streetfighter handlebar, and new graphics to deliver top sportbike handling in style. Final-drive gearing optimises acceleration and performance, along with new water pump bearing, front brake piston seals and rear wheel bearings and axle. The 1125CR will be available in Arctic White, Midnight Black or new Racing Red bodywork.

Taking it to the Track
Whether on the street or the track, Buell® sportbikes are engineered for high levels of performance and handling – providing a ride no less exhilarating than a bike built specifically for racing. This is perfectly illustrated by the Buell® 1125R™. European sport performance riders will see more of this convention-breaking, large capacity sport motorcycle in 2010. With its 72 degree liquid-cooled V-Twin 1125cc BRP-Rotax® engine – exclusively designed to Buell specifications; all-new Buell IRC (Intuitive Response Chassis) - the stiffest chassis ever offered by Buell; Quiet Zone™ aerodynamics; and fully-adjustable Showa® piggyback suspension, the 1125R™ motorcycle offers power, torque, handling and agility that takes its owner to a new level of riding experience. Available in Arctic White, Racing Red or Midnight Black bodywork and with distinctive styling that leaves many of its mechanical components exposed, the bike has a uniquely aggressive look. This is further enhanced by an athletic riding position allowing for unparalleled comfort whilst in pursuit of superior street or track performance.

On and off road
The sport-touring Buell® Ulysses® XB12XT and the versatile, all-road Ulysses® XB12X are equally exhilarating rides in the Buell Adventure Sportbike category. Both Ulysses models feature a new right-side air scoop, fan shroud, header shield, and ECM calibration that work together to reduce heat and improve rider comfort.

Light and agile on any kind of road, the Ulysses XB12X is equipped with a broad, usable Thunderstorm™ 1203cc V-Twin engine, rugged protective features like frame pucks, headlight grille and wind deflectors. The XB12X has a new blacked out Phantom Metallic frame, swingarm, and footrest supports, and triple clamps, as well as new Sunfire Yellow bodywork and smoked windscreen. The Ulysses XB12XT is ready to carve the continents on new Pirelli® Angel ST tyres with side and top cases, heated grips and a tall windscreen. Both Ulysses models feature the patented Triple Tail™ system that adjusts between three functional positions.

source :

Aprilia PEGASO 650 TRAIL Overview

Aprilia PEGASO 650 TRAIL
In Motorcycles history, no name was more appropriate for a machine designed to meet the needs of the rider for freedom. In Greek legend, Pegasus was the winged horse, a symbol of power and freedom.
Since it was introduced, the Aprilia Pegaso has perfectly realize the universal motorcycle concept. Cleverly designed and attractive set, the Pegaso is always packed with advanced technology and always satisfied
the needs are as diverse as urban mobility and long-distance touring. And no matter how you use the Pegaso, enjoyment is guaranteed, in accordance with Aprilia's philosophy that biking should be fun.
Pegaso Trail is continuing success story that began more than 12 years ago, and since taking Pegaso to the top of international sales charts, setting a world best in 650 cc ENDURO.
Latest Pegaso better than all the previous bikes. Pegaso Trail better touring, especially in the long run, thanks to the comfort, the advanced new engine and a large number of innovations that aim to increase flexibility. And all this has been achieved without affecting the autonomy of the motor and simple, easy-up characteristics; characteristics that have made such Pegaso remarkable success over the years.
Just as the original Pegaso established new records for its class, the new Pegaso Trail sets the pace for single cylinder motorcycle technology. It boasts a modern, four valve, dry sump engine with electronic fuel injection and a 44 mm throttle body, a superbly strong diamond shaped steel frame, spoked wheels with medium-knobbly tyres for great handling on and off the road, and many more advanced features.
Like all Aprilia motorcycles, the Pegaso Trail is designed according to the “active riding” concept. Agile, dynamic, fast, and extremely satisfying to ride, it fulfils all your needs for mobility and adventure too. The Pegaso Trail is more than able to take you and your passenger to the four corners of the globe.
Thanks to a total steering angle of 70° (35°+35°), the new Pegaso 650 Trail is amazingly agile around town, and the perfect companion for day to day commuting. On the other hand, its superior comfort, and the two-position adjustable windshield fitted as standard, enable the Pegaso 650 Trail to double up as an unstoppable long distance tourer, over all sorts of terrain.

Like its sister bike, the Pegaso Strada, the dynamically styled Trail makes you want to ride it the moment you see it. With its unmistakably aggressive and eye-catching looks, this is a motorcycle made to tackle any journey in style. The Pegaso 650 Trail is so unmistakably Aprilia in look and feel, you just can’t help standing out from the crowd.

The liquid cooled, four valve, single cylinder engine is fuelled by an advanced electronic injection system, specially designed for sparkling performance, miserly fuel consumption and, of course, environmentally friendly emissions. The engine delivers power in a way that translates into exceptional ridability under all conditions.
The Pegaso engine uses Aprilia’s acclaimed dry sump lubrication system. This new Aprilia single cylinder power unit stands out for its compact design and extremely advanced specifications. Powerful and flexible, it boasts a fantastic torque curve that gives the Aprilia Pegaso 650 Trail the muscle you need to come out on top in all conditions.
The new Pegaso 650 Trail respects the environment too. Like all Aprilia motorcycles, it incorporates the latest clean technology, because fun and performance should not damage the environment. The catalytic converter in the exhaust system cuts emissions to the threshold of the current Euro 3 standard.
Other important characteristics of this sophisticated engine include a vibration damping counter-shaft for improved comfort and a single, 44 mm throttle body with the latest generation fine spray injector.

The Pegaso 650 Trail’s compact, single beam steel frame is the perfect backbone for this all-round enduro. The frame is amazingly light yet offers unrivalled rigidity and excellent access for mechanical maintenance.
A great deal of care has gone into calibrating the suspension too. As a result the suspension system combines effective damping and fantastic comfort. The new Pegaso 650 Trail’s robust fork has the thickest stanchions in its class (45 mm) and permits a wheel travel of 170 mm. The result is a perfect balance between easy riding, controlled braking and effective damping over rough ground.
The gas-filled Sachs monoshock at the rear is adjustable in rebound and spring preload, and is calibrated for maximum comfort and traction on all surfaces without penalising riding satisfaction. Rear wheel travel is also 170 mm.
The spoked aluminium wheels are a classic enduro feature. In keeping with proven off-road motorcycling technology, the Pegaso 650 Trail is equipped with a 19 inch front wheel, perfect for easy control over rough ground and precision steering on the tarmac.
Seat height has been kept at only 820 mm to make the Pegaso 650 Trail really easy to ride. Riders of all statures, including lady riders, will find it easy to get their feet firmly on the ground. The seat is designed for maximum control over all types of terrain, without ignoring the needs for rider and passenger comfort on long road journeys. For taller riders who want a more long-legged seating position, a higher seat (+ 40 mm) is available as an optional accessory.

The new Pegaso 650 Trail is equipped with a standard-setting braking system incorporating top quality components. The front brake features a 300 mm disc and a twin-piston caliper for supersport-style stopping power and control. This powerful front brake is complemented by a 240 mm rear disc with floating caliper. The entire system has been calibrated for efficiency, power, and instant action.

As you would expect from an Aprilia, every component on the Pegaso 650 Trail is a world-class, prestige part.
The following components deserve special mention:
- The generous, sporty looking instruments provide all the information you could possibly need. The analogue rev counter is complemented by a large, multi-functional digital display complete with on-board computer for all essential information.
- A mouse on the left hand switch group allows easy computer navigation and consultation.
- Various languages can be selected to provide an easy to read user interface.
- Service codes provide rapid engine diagnostics (CO adjustment, ECU diagnostics, system errors, and service intervals).
- The gear change threshold is user variable.
- Function and warning lights for fuel reserve, coolant temperature and battery charge.
- Immobiliser with emergency reset by means of a user programmable PIN number for total security and easy operation.
The system can be reprogrammed by Aprilia Technical Assistance to run new software releases and custom graphics etc. using Axone 2000Ò software and the bike’s own diagnostics connector. The computer is safe and easy to use thanks to a convenient switchgear control that lets you select the display function you want without having to take your hands off the handlebars.
o 2 storage compartments. The front compartment can be opened electrically from a button on the handlebars, so there is no need to remove the key from the ignition. The second, under-seat compartment provides a generous amount of storage space. On top of its amazing performance, the Pegaso 650 Trail gives you great ergonomics and practicality. The tank-top and under-seat storage compartments combine to provide ample room for small items. The seat also comes with provision for hooking up an elastic luggage net to improve carrying capacity on long journeys and holidays. For convenience, the tank-top compartment is opened by a button on the handlebars, so your small change, mobile phone and toll tickets are always to hand even with the engine running. The under-seat compartment is the biggest ever seen on a bike of this type and provides plenty of room for your waterproofs and other personal effects.

source :

Sunday, December 6, 2009

2010 - Buell 1125R Picture and Specifications

2010 - Buell 1125R sport motorcycles
2010 - Buell 1125R sport motorcycles
2010 - Buell 1125R Sport Motorcycles Picture and Specifications

2010 - Buell 1125R sport motorcycles
2010 Buell 1125R

Designed for the rider, the Buell® 1125R® breaks the convention of the liter-class superbike category, delivering a unique combination of engine performance, precise-and-agile handling, raw sound and performance in an innovative package.

Buell® sportbikes strike a unique balance of real-world and race track performance. Their unique styling, aggressive ergonomics and premium components combine to deliver the ultimate, intuitive sport riding experience.

Each Buell model is designed utilizing the Buell Trilogy of Technology™ - chassis rigidity, centralized mass, and low unsprung weight - to produce a motorcycle which responds instantly to rider input.

Model Highlights

New Polished stainless steel headers
New Master cylinder piston seals for improved brake feel
New Engine cover sight glass for convenient oil-level checks
New Pre-wired battery tender harness
New Black upper triple clamp and fuel cap
New Designer Black wheels
New LED taillight
New Clear-lens rear turn signals
New Bodywork graphics and fly cut brake logos
New Available lower fairing kit (Accessory)

• Buell® ZTL2™ four-pad, eight-piston front brake
• Two-piston rear brake caliper mounted directly to inner swingarm
• Brushed stainless steel exhaust outlets
• Clip-on style handlebar
• LED front turn signals integrated with mirrors
• Digital lap timer and gear indicator
• Quiet Zone aerodynamics to optimize air flow around the rider
• Removable tail cowl over passenger seat
• An athletic riding position with a relaxed foot-peg location provides control on the track and comfort on the street

Key Features

Designed for the rider, the Buell® 1125R® breaks the convention of the liter-class superbike category, delivering a unique combination of engine performance, precise-and-agile handling, raw sound and performance in an innovative package.

Buell® sportbikes strike a unique balance of real-world and race track performance. Their unique styling, aggressive ergonomics and premium components combine to deliver the ultimate, intuitive sport riding experience.

Each Buell model is designed utilizing the Buell Trilogy of Technology™ – chassis rigidity, centralized mass, and low unsprung weight – to produce a motorcycle which responds instantly to rider input.

• Buell Helicon® 1125cc liquid-cooled fourstroke, 72-degree V-Twin engine with DDFI 3 Electronic Fuel Injection ECM
• Compact oblique stacked six-speed transmission configuration
• Ram-air pressurized air box
• Goodyear® Hibrex final drive belt with Flexten Plus technology with a constant-tension pulley for smoother on/off throttle transitions
• Underslung muffler with Helmholtz chamber
• Twin side-mount radiators with outer covers designed to absorb impact
• HVA (Hydraulic Vacuum Assist) clutch with slipper action
• 6-spoke, cast aluminum wheels
• Pirelli Diablo Corsa III tires

• Steel braided brake lines
• Fully adjustable 47 mm Showa® inverted fork
• Fully adjustable Showa® rear shock absorber
• Fuel-in Frame Intuitive Response Chassis
• Rigid cast-aluminum swingarm
• Adjustable hand and foot controls

2010 Buell 1125R - Specifications
USA MSRP: Midnight Black $12,499, Racing Red $12,499, Arctic White $12,499

Canada MSRP: See Local Canadian Dealer For Pricing


Overall Length2 80.3 in. (2,040 mm)
Seat Height, Laden3 30.5 in. (775 mm)
Seat Height, Unladen 31.9 in. (810 mm)
Overall Width without mirrors4 28.2 in. (716 mm)
Ground Clearance, Unladen2 4.92 in. (125 mm)
Rake (Steering Head Angle) at Ride Height (degrees) 21
Fork Angle at Ride Height (degrees) 21
Trail at Ride Height 3.3 in. (84 mm)
Wheelbase, Unladen 54.1 in. (1,374 mm)
Fuel Capacity, Total 5.3 gal. (20.1 l)
Fuel Capacity 0.8 gal. (3 l)
Oil Capacity5 3.3 qt. (3.1 l)
Dry Weight 375 lb. (170 kg)
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating 850 lb. (386 kg)
Load Carrying Capacity 390 lb. (177 kg)


Engine Helicon, Liquid-cooled, 4-stroke, 72 V-Twin
Displacement 68.7 cu in (1,126 cc)
Bore 4.055 in. (103 mm)
Stroke 2.658 in. (67.51 mm)
Peak Torque per SAE J607, North America 82 ft-lb (111 Nm)
Peak Torque RPM per SAE J607, North America 8,000
Peak Horsepower per SAE J607, North America 146 hp (109 kW)
Peak Horsepower RPM per SAE J607, North America 9,800
Compression Ratio 12.3:1
Mileage per US EPA Urban Trace, CITY6 39 mpg (6 l/100 km)
Mileage per US EPA HIGHWAY Fuel Economy Test6 53 mpg (4.4 l/100 km)
Intake Zero-resisitance airbox, Pressurized RAM air intake


Primary Drive Type Helical gear
Primary Drive Ratio 1.806:1 (65/36)
Secondary Drive Type7 Belt
Secondary Drive Member Pitch Length (# of Teeth or # of Links) 145 tooth belt, 14mm pitch
Secondary Drive Ratio 2.593:1 (70/27)
Transmission type 6-speed, straight cut gears
Transmission Ratio, 1st 2.462
Transmission Ratio, 2nd 1.75
Transmission Ratio, 3rd 1.381
Transmission Ratio, 4th 1.174
Transmission Ratio, 5th 1.042
Transmission Ratio, 6th 0.96


Front Brake ZTL-2 braking system
Front Rotor and Caliper Configuration 8-piston ZTL2 front caliper from Nissin
Front Rotor Size, OD 14.76 in. (375 mm)
Number of Front Brake Rotors 1
Rear Brake Two-piston, direct mount caliper, 240mm, stainless steel, fixed rotor
Rear Rotor and Caliper Configuration Same rotor as XB. Rear caliper is new solid mounted 2-piston design from Hayes
Rear Rotor Size, OD 9.45 in. (240 mm)
Rear Suspension Type and Configuration Fully adjustable (adjustable compression damping, rebound damping and spring preload), coil-over monoshock with attached reservoir.
Front Suspension Type and Configuration Fully adjustable (adjustable compression damping, rebound damping and spring preload) inverted forks.
Front Fork Slider Tube Diameter 1.85 in. (47 mm)
Fork Lock Availability (true or false) True
Suspension Travel, Front Wheel, Along Fork Line 4.72 in. (120 mm)
Suspension Travel, Rear Wheel, Vertical 5 in. (127 mm)

Lean Angle at Full Suspension Compression, Soft Contact, Left (degrees)8
Lean Angle at Full Suspension Compression, Soft Contact, Right (degrees)8
Lean Angle at Full Suspension Compression, Hard Contact, Left (degrees)8
Lean Angle at Full Suspension Compression, Hard Contact, Right (degrees)8

Frame Aluminum, fuel in frame, IRC or Intuitive Response Chassis
Swingarm Description A new cast- aluminum swing arm

Wheels and Tires1

Tire Brand and Model, Front Pirelli Corsa III
Tire Brand and Model, Rear Pirelli Corsa III
Tire Size Designator, Front 120/70 ZR-17
Tire Size Designator, Rear 180/55 ZR-17
Wheel Type, Front 6-spoke, ZTL cast aluminum
Wheel Type, Rear 6-spoke, cast aluminum
Wheel Size, Front (width x dia) (in) 3.5 in x 17 in
Wheel Size, Rear (width x dia) (in) 5.5 in x 17 in


Battery Type and Specifications Sealed Lead Acid, maintenance-free, 12-volt, 12 amp-hour (per Battery Council International rating), 200 cca.
Charging System Specifications 37-amp, permanent magnet, three-phase alternator with solid-state regulator (520W peak power)
Starter System Specifications Starter motor 900W, starter drive (gears) and one way clutch.
Headlamp Type and Wattages (high, low and position lamp) Low beam - 2 bulbs at 35 Watts each (70W) , High beam is the low beam bulbs plus 2 more bulbs at 35 W each (140w), poistion indicators are on at all times - 2 bulbs at 5w each (80W and 150W).
Tail Light Wattages (stop and running) .55W for tail light, 5W for stop light
Turn Signal Lights Type (manual or self-canceling) and Wattage Manual cancelling, Front = non-serviceable LED's. 3W (per side), Rear = replaceable bulbs, 10W (per side).
License Plate Lamp Wattage 5W


Windscreen or Flyscreen Clear windscreen
Warranty Term9 2-years


Body Work (molded in color) Midnight Black, Racing Red, Acrtic White
Frame Phantom Metallic
Wheels Designer Black for all models

Color Options
Midnight Black, Racing Red, Arctic White

Midnight Black $12,499
Racing Red $12,499
Arctic White $12,499

1. Specifications for non-US markets might differ. Buell reserves the right to discontinue models or change specifications at any time without incurring any obligations. Vehicle specifications may vary from country to country depending on local laws. Some models are not available in certain countries.
2. Unladen, wet configuration (no rider, all fluids).
3. Laden, wet configuration (180lb. design rider, all fluids).
4. Without mirrors.
5. Oil capacity at oil change, with filter.
6. Based on tests conducted under lab conditions per U.S. EPA test procedures. Mileage will vary depending on personal riding habits, weather conditions, trip length and vehicle condition.
7. Hibrex® and Flexten® are registered trademarks of Goodyear® Technologies, Inc.
8. Bottomed-out configuration (100% suspension compression).
9. Please refer to motorcycle owner's manual for warranty details.

2010 Buell 1125R - Media/Press Releases


New Lightning® CityX XB12SX brings more power to the streets

EAST TROY, Wis. (July 25, 2009) – The Buell® riding experience embodies radical designs and intuitive performance that rewards uncompromising riders. From the race track to the back road, a Buell® motorcycle will take any path necessary to put its rider out front because Buell believes a deep bond between rider and machine is the essence of motorcycling.

Buell maintains its defiant stance in 2010 with a versatile line-up of motorcycles designed to inspire riders to achieve ultimate performance. For the street, the 1125CR™ café racer with new upright handlebars, and the extended XB Lightning® line-up for Europe – including the new Lightning® CityX XB12SX motorcycle – are now packing more style and power than ever. In the sportbike category, in a nod to Buell’s increasing victories and success on track, riders will see even more of Buell’s convention-breaking liquid-cooled 1125R™. For adventures that go way beyond the road, the Ulysses® XB12 range sees various upgrades make it the most exhilarating ride yet.

“The story of Buell® motorcycles shows that great things can happen with creativity, vision and hard work,” said Erik Buell, Chief Technical Officer, Buell Motorcycle Company. “A dream that started with a few of us getting our hands dirty in garages and on racetracks in the 1980s is now providing riders with quality American-built motorcycles and winning at the top levels of AMA Pro Racing.”

In 2010 Buell continues to focus on the ride with the addition of features like front brake master cylinder piston seals and rotor mountings, LED taillights and rear turn signals, oxygen sensors and tyres, as well as new graphics and bodywork. Whether it’s the 1125cc Helicon® liquid-cooled, four-stroke, fuel-injected 72-degree V-Twin engine or the 1203cc Thunderstorm™ air/oil/fan-cooled, four-stroke, fuel-injected 45-degree V-Twin engine, Buell blends original design with productive power and dynamic performance for a light and tight ride.

Always willing to challenge conventional motorcycle design with leading edge innovations like fuel in the frame, oil in the swing arm or a perimeter-mounted front brake, Buell continues to give its riders what they want in a performance sport bike. The Buell Trilogy of Technology principles of low unsprung weight, mass centralisation and chassis rigidity have long guided the Buell ruthless approach to motorcycle engineering. This approach ensures that riding a Buell motorcycle is a fully satisfying experience, whether weaving through the city streets, taking on a tight corner on the track, or tackling off road terrain.

2010 Buell Highlights

Out in the Street

For those looking for a bike with agile handling, as well as serious torque and acceleration for real urban power, MY10 sees the introduction of the new Lightning® CityX XB12SX. Receiving its debut in Europe, the XB12SX marries the sheer power of the Thunderstorm™ 1203cc V-Twin engine with Buell’s popular Lightning CityX XB9SX chassis and suspension, inspired by the needs of today’s urban rider. Delivering a whopping 104 Nm/ 77 ft lbs of torque, the bike is available in Valencia Orange Translucent & Hero Blue Translucent, both with black wheels.

Meanwhile the Lightning® CityX XB9SX, is readier than ever for a street fight, with the broad, smooth power of its Thunderstorm™ 984 V-Twin engine, wind deflectors, frame pucks, headlight grille, airbox cover X-guard and new Designer Black wheels. Features such as the upright rider position, wide Supermoto style handle bars and intuitive handling help the Lightning CityX XB9SX and XB12SX dodge through back streets and effortlessly pull away from the traffic – enabling the ultimate urban riding experience.

Buell® XB Lightning® streetfighters, powered by an air/oil/fan-cooled Thunderstorm V-Twin engine, have a ferocious look with new airbox cover graphics added to blacked-out frame, forks, engine and other components. Lightning XB models receive new oxygen sensor with updated calibration, fuel pump and sensor, front brake piston seal and LED taillight, and front and rear turn signals. The XB12Ss with supermoto-inspired long suspension has size, comfort and convenience, and the Lightning® XB12Scg road-hugging suspension for a low centre of gravity.

As a modern café racer, the Buell® 1125CR™ motorcycle is powered by a 146-hp, liquid-cooled Helicon® 1125 V-Twin engine with Buell Intuitive Response Chassis (IRC), new upright tapered aluminium streetfighter handlebar, and new graphics to deliver top sportbike handling in style. Final-drive gearing optimises acceleration and performance, along with new water pump bearing, front brake piston seals and rear wheel bearings and axle. The 1125CR will be available in Arctic White, Midnight Black or new Racing Red bodywork.

Taking it to the Track
Whether on the street or the track, Buell® sportbikes are engineered for high levels of performance and handling – providing a ride no less exhilarating than a bike built specifically for racing. This is perfectly illustrated by the Buell® 1125R™. European sport performance riders will see more of this convention-breaking, large capacity sport motorcycle in 2010. With its 72 degree liquid-cooled V-Twin 1125cc BRP-Rotax® engine – exclusively designed to Buell specifications; all-new Buell IRC (Intuitive Response Chassis) - the stiffest chassis ever offered by Buell; Quiet Zone™ aerodynamics; and fully-adjustable Showa® piggyback suspension, the 1125R™ motorcycle offers power, torque, handling and agility that takes its owner to a new level of riding experience. Available in Arctic White, Racing Red or Midnight Black bodywork and with distinctive styling that leaves many of its mechanical components exposed, the bike has a uniquely aggressive look. This is further enhanced by an athletic riding position allowing for unparalleled comfort whilst in pursuit of superior street or track performance.

On and off road
The sport-touring Buell® Ulysses® XB12XT and the versatile, all-road Ulysses® XB12X are equally exhilarating rides in the Buell Adventure Sportbike category. Both Ulysses models feature a new right-side air scoop, fan shroud, header shield, and ECM calibration that work together to reduce heat and improve rider comfort.

Light and agile on any kind of road, the Ulysses XB12X is equipped with a broad, usable Thunderstorm™ 1203cc V-Twin engine, rugged protective features like frame pucks, headlight grille and wind deflectors. The XB12X has a new blacked out Phantom Metallic frame, swingarm, and footrest supports, and triple clamps, as well as new Sunfire Yellow bodywork and smoked windscreen. The Ulysses XB12XT is ready to carve the continents on new Pirelli® Angel ST tyres with side and top cases, heated grips and a tall windscreen. Both Ulysses models feature the patented Triple Tail™ system that adjusts between three functional positions.

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